Water Utility Solutions
Smart Water Meter, Demand Management, Network Monitoring
Leaders in Water Meter Monitoring
Outpost Central has been servicing Australasian water utilities for over 10 years during which time we’ve come across virtually every make and model of water meter used in Australasia. Outpost products are now a core part of day-to-day operations for numerous water supply utilities across a diverse range of applications:
Large Customer Demand Management
We’ve worked with utilities and their partners throughout Australia to deliver large customer demand management and engagement programs to reduce demand across the network.
AMI for hard to read meters
When it's difficult to read a meter, whether because of OH&S requirements or just because the water meter is in the middle of no-where, Outpost smart meters are a cost effective way of reading your meters.
Network Monitoring
Monitoring pressure in the network, district meters, treatment plants etc has traditionally required an expensive SCADA solution. Outpost provides cost effective solutions for remote monitoring in difficult places with limited access to power.

Large Customer Demand Management
We’ve worked with utilities and their partners throughout Australia to deliver large customer demand management and engagement programs. In these programs water utilities will typically deploy the Outpost solution at large customer premises to provide them with web access to highly granular, time-of-use water consumption data and SMS/email alerts for leaks and exceptional consumption.
As well as engaging with their individual customers, utilities operating large customer demand programs can use our software to drill into individual industries and applications to establish benchmarks and engage with industry bodies, and to gain valuable insights into how their biggest customers use their services.
Demand management programs using the Outpost solution have proven effective in reducing water demand and empowering large water users to better manage water resource consumption. Here’s an example of how Water Corporation, whose operations span over 2.6 million square kilometres, use Outpost products to engage with their most important customers to manage demand.
AMI for hard to read meters
From one-off hard to read meters, to entire cities, the Outpost Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solution is used to revolutionise the collection of data from water meter’s by utilities. Because our solution allows every meter (or sensor) to connect to the web without any dedicated radio network infrastructure, and independently of any other meters and therefore minimum meter densities, it can be used for individual “problem” meters (e.g. those with access issues such as being behind locked gates or guarded by dogs). At the same time, it’s economical enough to be suited to city-wide deployments involving thousands of meters, where the speed of deployment of deterministic cost provides project planners with peace of mind regarding AMI project deployment costs and timelines. Our web platform contains a raft of meter data functionality including meter read reporting, check read handling, data validation tools, spatial data representation etc

Network and Pressure Monitoring
Outpost enables users to connect their water (and other utility) distribution networks to the web. Our hardware connects pressure sensors, district meters, control structures, float switches and more to the web in minutes without the need for complex planning and siteworks, and at a low and deterministic cost. Our web console allows operators to perform on-the-fly analysis and visualisation of pressures and flows, generate user rerports and alerts, and check control structure status. The low cost and ease of deployment makes Outpost network monitoring solutions suitable for both long term deployments or temporary monitoring.
Residential end use studies
Researchers and water utilities undertake end use studies to gain insights into into demand patterns; which then informs planning decisions, development of demand management strategies, water efficiency program design and demand forecasting. Because of its ruggedness, compact form-factor, long battery life and ease of deployment, the WASP2 datalogger has become the tool of choice for residential end-use studies in Australia. We’ve worked with researchers and utilities across Australia to collect, process and present data collected from thousands of residential water meters. Like South East Queensland Water, who supply bulk water to retailers throughout southeast Queensland, and use the Outpost platform to collect and analyse residential end-use data that helps them plan a reliable and sustainable water supply for residents in southeast Queensland.

Sewer Overflow Monitoring
Heavy rain and other network issues can cause unplanned discharge from sewer and drainage networks. Utilities and service providers use the WASP2 to achieve visibility over their piped networks to better manage their performance and to prevent unplanned discharges and associated regulatory breaches. With a rugged, one-piece design incorporating float switch and wireless internet connectivity, and the ability to deploy sensors and level switches in minutes, it’s simpler than ever before to connect your drainage and sewer networks to the web.